

Object and Type


Object  : FCList

Type     : Property





List.ItemType = Value

Value = List.ItemType





This property tells if the list is in a sorted state.   A sorted state occurs only when the Sort method is called.   Not being in a sorted state does not mean the list is not sorted.  It only means that it was not sorted by the Sort method. 





Value                                     Description                                                                                                          

True                                        List is in a sorted state.

False                                       List is not in a sorted state.


Error Codes


Value                                     Meaning                                                                                                                               

3                                              The 'Sorted' property of 'List' cannot be set at runtime.





This example shows the testing of the Sorted property before and after a Sort call.


Visual Basic:

The code in this example is written in Visual Basic.


Dim list As New FCList


MsgBox "list.Sorted = '" & list.Sorted & "'"


' sorted = False


list.AppendItem "c", "f", "i", "a", "d", "g", "b", "e", "h"



MsgBox "list.Sorted = '" & list.Sorted & "'" ' sorted = True